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Jose Antonio de Almeida Prado: Sinfonia dos Orixas (Symphony of the Orishas)

Sinfonia dos Orixas (Symphony of the Orishas)
CD (Compact Disc)

Herkömmliche CD, die mit allen CD-Playern und Computerlaufwerken, aber auch mit den meisten SACD- oder Multiplayern abspielbar ist.


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Der Artikel Jose Antonio de Almeida Prado (1943-2010): Sinfonia dos Orixas (Symphony of the Orishas) wurde in den Warenkorb gelegt.

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  • Pequenos funerais cantantes ao poeta Carlos Maria de Araujo
  • Künstler: Clarissa Cabral (Mezzosopran), Sabah Teixeira (Bass-Bariton), Sao Paulo Symphony Choir, Sao Paulo Symphony Orchestra, Neil Thomson
  • Label: Naxos, DDD, 2022
  • Bestellnummer: 11475744
  • Erscheinungstermin: 26.5.2023
  • Serie: The Music of Brazil (Naxos)
  • Tracklisting
  • Details
  • Mitwirkende

Disk 1 von 1 (CD)

Pequenos funerais cantates ao poeta Carlos Maria de Araújo (Small sung obsequies for the poet Carlos Maria de Araújo)
  1. 1 Corpo de fogo (Body of Fire)
  2. 2 Corpo de terra 1 (Body of Earth 1)
  3. 3 Corpo de terra 2 (Body of Earth 2)
  4. 4 Corpo de terra 3 (Body of Earth 3)
  5. 5 Corpo de terra 4 (Body of Earth 4)
  6. 6 Corpo de terra 5 (Body of Earth 5)
  7. 7 Corpo de terra 6 (Body of Earth 6)
  8. 8 Corpo de silêncio (Body of Silence)
Sinfonia dos Orixás (Symphony of the Orishas) (1984-85)
  1. 9 1. Saudaçao a Exu (Salutation of Eshu)
  2. 10 2.Chamado aos orixás (Ritual inicial) (Call to the Orishas (Initial Ritual))
  3. 11 Manifestaçao dos orixás (1. Obatolá - O canto do universo) (Manifestation of the Orishas (Obatola - Song of the...
  4. 12 Ifá (O canto da adaroçao) (Ifa (Song of Worship))
  5. 13 Interlúdio 1 (As ásguas do Rio Níger) (Interlude 1 (The waters of the Niger river))
  6. 14 Oxalá 1 (O canto da luz) (Oxala 1 (Song of the Light))
  7. 15 Xangô 1 (O canto das alturas e dos abismos) (Shango 1 (Song of the Peaks and Chasms))
  8. 16 Oxalá 2 (O jogo dos búzios) (Oxala 2 (Play of the Conch Shells))
  9. 17 Oxum (O canto dos lagos e dos rios) (Oshum (Song of the Lakes and Rivers))
  10. 18 Interludio 2 (As águas do Rio Níger) (Interlude 2 (The waters of the Niger River))
  11. 19 Ogum-Obá (A dança da espada e do fogo) (Ogun-Oba (Dance of the sword and fire))
  12. 20 Ibejí (Cantiga para Cosme e Damiao) (Ibeji (Song for Cosmos and Damian))
  13. 21 Omulum (O canto da noite e do mistério (Omolu (Song of Night and Mystery))
  14. 22 Oxalá 3 (O canto do amor e da alegria (Oxala 3 (Song of Love and Joy))
  15. 23 Oxosse-Ossae (O canto das matas e florestas) (Oshosi-Osanyin (Song of the Woods and Forests))
  16. 24 Iemanjá (O canto dos sete mares) (Yemoja (Song of the seven seas))
  17. 25 Iansa (O canto da paixao) (Oya (Song of Passion))
  18. 26 Xangô 2 (O canto das tempestades, raios e coriscos) (Shango 2 (Song of Storms, Lightning and Thunderbolts))
  19. 27 Oxumarê (O canto do arco-íris) (Oshunmare (Song of the Rainbow))
  20. 28 3. Ritual final (Ritual Final)